לָדַעַת חָכְמָה וּמוּסָר לְהָבִין אִמְרֵי בִינָה
Learn Mussar with The Salant Foundation
The Salant Foundation has daily Mussar thoughts, archives of shiurim, and a personal gratitude journey to help you along the way. Rav Yisroel Salanter started the Mussar Movement for us to continue in the ways of the Gedolim. Using modern day technology we are able to share, grow, and connect while still being all over the world.
Gather the Lost Sheep of Israel
"You shall not see the ox of your brother or his sheep or goat straying far away, and ignore them. You shall surely return them to your brother" (Devarim 22:1). Why does the verse emphasize finding your brother's ox "far away" from home? We might assume that we are...